Astronomy 123


Module 1: Course Intro, Organization, General BS

Module 1: Historical Cosmologies and Cultural Bias

Module 1: More Historical Cosmologies

Module 2: Evolving Solar System Models

Module 3: Curvature and Causality

Module 4: The Expanding Universe

Module 5: The Microwave Background

Module 5: The Evolution of the Universe in the First Hundreth Second

Module 6: The Evolution of the Universe in the First Second

Module 7: The Epoch of Nucleosynthesis

Module 8: The Radiation Dominated Era and its End

Module 9: All about Dark Matter

Module 10: Galaxies, Galaxies, Galaxies

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Module 11: Building the Periodic Table of Elements from Stars

Module 11: The Formation of the Earth

Module 12: The Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere

Module 12: Formation of Primitive Life in the Oceans

Module 13: Formation of Primitive Life in the Oceans

Module 13: Life Crawls on the Land: The Need for Ozone

Module 14: Geological Catastrophe: Plate Tectonics

Module 14: Climatological Catastrophe: Ice Ages

Module 15: Evolution of Relative Intelligence

Module 16: Is there Intelligent Life on the Earth?

11 - 16 Modules: MIDTERM

Module 17: The Probability of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Module 18: One Million or just One Civilization?

Module 19: The Long Voyage: Colonization of Space

Module 20: The Earth Speaks: Can we listen?

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