
The course grade will be determined on the basis of four in-class exams and the final exam. In-class exams will cover the material in the lectures and readings since the previous quiz, whereas the final examination will be comprehensive. The in-class exams have been scheduled for the four Fridays listed below. Please mark your calendars with these dates.

All of the in-class exams and the final exam will be closed-book, closed-notes multiple-choice format tests. All tests will be computer-generated and machine graded. These computer-generated tests provide each student with a unique test (you are asked the same questions and answers as everyone else, but the order of questions and answers is scrambled).

Grading Policy

  • The lowest score of the four in-class exams will be dropped and combined with the final exam score to compute your grade for the course as follows:
    • The in-class exams together will count for 60% of the final course grade.
    • The final exam will count for 40% of the final course grade.
  • All grading is done on a curve.
  • The final must be taken by all students.

Makeup Policy

Makeup exams are only offered by arrangement with the instructor, and advance notice is required if you know ahead of time you will be absent for a scheduled exam. Emergencies require no advance notice.

Please note that all makeup exams will be written tests covering the same material as the multiple-choice exam that you missed.

Final Exam

General Final Exam (Wednesday, March 13, 11:30am-1:19pm, 402 McPherson)

The final examination is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13th, from 11:30am until 1:19pm in 402 McPherson Lab (the same room as lectures).

Attendance for the Final Exam is mandatory.

The final will be comprehensive, covering all lectures and assigned readings, and of the same format as the in-class exams, only longer. It is worth 40% of your final course grade.

No makeup final will be offered.

If you miss the final, you will automatically get a grade of incomplete (I) that will have to be made up by a written exam during the Spring quarter.

Consistent with official university policy, early finals will not be available for those persons who wish to depart early for spring break.