The Great Pyramid Complex

The Great Pyramids And The Stars

Even today, in its ruined form and lacking almost all its glistening white casing-stones, the Great Pyramid is staggering. It broods over the surrounding desert and suburbs of modern Cairo, seeming more like some strange feature of the landscape than the work of human hands.


The Great Pyramid Complex (Aerial View)

The Great Pyramid of Kufu, like the other pyramids, stands four-square, but it is in all its detail the most perfect. The first exhaustive survey of the monument in modern times was carried out by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1880.


Orion's Belt

Even today, in its ruined form and lacking almost all its glistening white casing-stones, the Great Pyramid is staggering. It broods over the surrounding desert and suburbs of modern Cairo, seeming more like some strange feature of the landscape than the work of human hands.

Orion Rising

Even today, in its ruined form and lacking almost all its glistening white casing-stones, the Great Pyramid is staggering. It broods over the surrounding desert and suburbs of modern Cairo, seeming more like some strange feature of the landscape than the work of human hands.